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MAMONO: Danny (Danī (ダニー))
First Appearance: "Konjiki no Gash Bell" Episode 27.
Status: Inactive Episode 27.
Dub Name: Danny.
Dani's attributes: Grappling. Dani is 15 years old.
This spell gives Dani amazing recovery from severe wounds.
PARTNER: Gold (Gorudō (ゴルドー)
Dub Name: Goldo.
Country of Origin: Libya.
MAMONO: Papipurio (パピプリオ)
First Appearance: "Konjiki no Gash Bell" Episode 29.
Subsequent Appearances: Episode/s 29-30, 113-117, 125, 127, 135, 144, 150.
Status: Currently Active.
Dub Name: Purio.
Papipurio's attributes: Breath. Papipurio is 8 years old.
He spits a glue-like substance from his mouth.
This is another spit attack that completely paralyzes the opponent.
Papipurio ejects a black smoke-screen from his mouth.
Gigano Joboido
Here he sprays a powerful stream of acid at the enemy.
Papipurio spits an oily substanse from his mouth.
This spell creates a cloud of smoke that causes the enemy to itch terribly.
Papipurio fires an impenetrable green net from his mouth.
PARTNER: Rooper (Rūpā (ルーパー))
Dub Name: Lupa.
Country of Origin: America.
MAMONO: Zoboron (ゾボロン)
First Appearance: "Konjiki no Gash Bell" Episode 29.
Subsequent Appearances: Episode/s 29-30.
Status: Inactive Episode 30.
Dub Name: Zoboron.
Zoboron's attributes: Explosive. Zoboron is 7 years old.
This spell creates a slow-moving sphere of very destructive energy.
Oru Dogerakeru(Oru Dogurak)
Zoboron shoots a fast, pink, sphere-like missle from his mouth. This missle locks on the enemy and follows them.
PARTNER: Hige (ヒゲ)
Dub Name: Hige.
Country of Origin: Italy.
MAMONO: Nyarurato (ニャルラト)
First Appearance: Konjiki no Gash Bell" Episode 31.(Filler only)
Subsequent Appearances: Episode/s 31-35.
Status: Inactive Episode 35.
Dub Name: Nya.
Nyarurato's attributes: Strengthening.
Nyarurato becomes a explosive streak of energy, and can manipulate the enemy by changing their movements.
Nyarurato grows in size, becomes more vicious-looking and is covered in very sharp quills. The mamono can also shoot these quills at the enemy.
Slashing attack with it's claws.
Nyarurato can inflate to great size using this spell.
PARTNER: Hibiki Shion (響詞音)
Dub Name: Shion Hibiki.
Country of Origin: Japan.
MAMONO: Noritohassami (ノリトハッサミー )
First Appearance: "Konjiki no Gash Bell" Episode 31.(Filler only)
Status: Inactive Episode 31.
Dub Name: Cut 'N Paste.
Norito-Hassami's attributes: Strengthening.
This is the spell to assemble Norito from paste and scissors.
Noritohassami uses the scissors on his back as weapons.
This spell brings paper figures to life.
Ganzu Poreido(Ganzu Poreid)
Shoots paste that can immobilize the enemy.
Gigano Sizaruku(Gigano Sizaruk)
This spell creates a giant lizard-like monster made from scissors.
PARTNER: Big Man (Daiotoko (大男))
Dub Name: Kiichiro.
Country of Origin: Japan.
MAMONO: Gelisa (Gurisa(グリサ))
First Appearance: Konjiki no Gash Bell" Episode 31.(Filler only)
Subsequent Appearances: Episode/s 31-35.
Status: Inactive Episode 35.
Dub Name: Grisor.
Gelisa's attributes: Explosive.
This is a spell where Gelisa creates a small flame from his finger, but the mirror increases it's power.
Gelisa transforms into a huge demon using the demonic mirror.
Maguma Garan(Magma Garan)
Creates cracks/chasms in the ground from which lava erupts.
Maguma Kasukeido(Magma Cascade)
This spell in which Gelisa gathers the magma together, into one tremendous fireball. Said fireball shoots flames at the opponents.
Dino Faigaru(Dino Faigar)
Flaming balls of magma are gathered in both hands and fired.
Powered-up version of Faigaru.
Gigano Faidoruku(Gigano Faidoruk)
Gelisa becomes even more powerful and uglier using this spell.
Normally very weak his powers are amplified by the demonic mirror.
PARTNER: Dr. Ichirou (Hakase Ichirō (ハカセ 郎))
Dub Name: Hakase.
Country of Origin: Japan.
MAMONO: Wonlei (Wonrei (ウォンレイ))
First Appearance: "Konjiki no Gash Bell" Episode 37.
Subsequent Appearances: Episode/s 37-38, 58-59, 66-74, 76, 79-84, 86, 88, 112, 117, 124-126, 130-140.
Status: Inactive Episode 140.
Dub Name: Wonrei.
Wonrei's attributes: Grappling. Wonrei is 15 years old.
Gou Bauren(Go Boren)
A powered-up version of Bauren.
A spell that creates a glass-like shield.
Wonrei shoots a powerful blast from his fists.
Spell that strengthens Wonrei's legs.
Ganzu Bauren(Ganzu Boren)
Multiple shots of Gou Bauren.
Gou Redoruku(Go Redoruk)
Spell which strengthens Wonrei's kick.
Garu Redoruku(Gar Redoruk)
Wonrei's high-powered attack in which he spins like a drill and smashes through anything.
Raou Dibauren(Rao Diboren)
Wonrei's power is transformed into a huge white tiger.
Gafou Dibauren
A great white tiger slashes with it's paw.
Goraiou Dibauren
A powered-up version of Raou Dibauren.
Wonrei often uses martial arts moves in conjuctiuon with his spells.
PARTNER: Li-Yen (Rien(リィエン))
Dub Name: Li-en.
Country of Origin: China.
Subsequent Appearances: Episodes 142-150.
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