Burago shoots a ball of gravity from his hand. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Powerful gravity that is manifested in a particular area. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Gigano Reisu
Powered-up version of Reisu. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Aian Gurabirei
Devestatingly destructive power that can pulverize large areas. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Dioga Gurabidon
A combination of the Reisu and Gurabirei attacks, but upgraded. One of Burago's most powerful attacks. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Baberuga Gurabidon
A multi-coloured sphere of gravity that cuts through objects. Basically it's an upgraded version of Aian Gurabirei. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Bidomu Gurabirei
Very similar to Aian Gurabirei, but more exspansive/powerful. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Rioru Reisu
A double shot of Reisu. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Oruga Reisu
Spell creates a spiraling beam of purple energy. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Diborudo Jii Gurabidon
Basically an upgraded form of Gurabidon. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Nyuuborutsu Ma Gurabirei
A sphere of tremendously powerful gravity, that pulls objects inside and pulverizes them. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Nyuuborutsu Shin Gurabirei
Nyuuborutsu Shin Gurabirei is an upgrade of Nyuuborutsu ma Gurabirei, a powerful spherical gravity spell. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Zangu Mareisu
Brago discharges a sharp blade which cuts through objects. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Borutsu Gurabirei
Gravitational sphere is created. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Amu Guranaguru
Spell which strengthens Brago's hands via the power of gravity. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Berudo Gurabirei
With a swipe of his hand, Brago creates a shield that blocks incoming attacks. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Digou Gurabiruku
Brago's body is strengthened through the power of gravity. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Kueaborutsu Gurabirei
A huge three-way gravitational board which slows down the opponent's spell/s. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)
Shin Baberuga Gurabidon
A more powerful version of the "Baberuga Gurabidon" spell, and one of Brago's strongest. ![*Image*](pics/picgif.gif)